Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Bug Turns 3

Today, our sweet little Bug is THREE years old!

In some ways it feels like time has flown, but in others it seems like he's been with us an eternity. I only vaguely remember what life was like before he joined our family.

Last night Papa and I were reminiscing about Bug's birth. I'd had moderate contractions every evening for the previous week. On Friday I lost my mucus plug at work, which was shocking and mildly traumatic. Lol! I had hopes when I went to bed Friday night Bug would be joining us soon. Sure enough I was unable to sleep through contractions by 4am. Sometime between 8 and 9am we decided to head to the hospital, as contractions had been every 1-2 minutes for a couple hours.

I made Papa stop and get me chocolate milk and donuts on the way. I couldn't stand sitting in the car so I worked through contractions leaning against a pillar outside the donut shop. I got quite the strange stares from passers by. 

I did end up getting an epidural at the hospital. We relaxed and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Then at 2:25pm, after 2 pushes Bug was born, accompanied by horrified looks from a very young male intern I'd agreed to let watch the delivery.

Before Bug was born I was ignorant to natural birthing, peaceful parenting, and pretty much everything I am passionate about now. He was the catalyst of our family's major changes, and for him I am eternally grateful.

Thank you Bug. By being yourself, you have taught me to question the status quo, and to bravely embark on a new path. Happy Birthday little man!

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