Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Day NOT Back to School

Monday was the start of school here. The previous Saturday Josh went to a birthday party with some of his schooling friends. There was so much anxiety and hoop-la over the start of school. Getting supplies, who's-in-who's-class, getting the kids to bed early to wake up early, the kids not sleeping because they're nervous, wondering how the younger siblings will handle the older ones being gone all day.

I am really thankful Monday was just another day for us, living life and learning what came our way. I am thankful the boys got to sleep as long as their bodies needed. I am most thankful the boys aren't separated from each other 8 hours a day. They get to grow up together, playing with and learning from each other.

I did have one anxious moment Monday. While sitting outside with my coffee, watching the boys play in the morning dew, it really hit me- I am now doing something I've never done before. Something different from the norm. I'm excited for the journey. I hope I don't screw it up.

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